Tuesday, June 22, 2010

We began Fathers Day with a wonderful breakfast followed by time spent playing together. During this time Keyan was complaining of a stomach ache which worsened as the morning went by. Thinking that it may be a sour stomach from breakfast (yes, I cooked) I gave him some gas-ex and Tylenol for the pain. Within an hour Keyan was screaming in pain and began to vomit. This lasted for about 1 1/2 hours. We called the urologist on call and he told us to take Keyan to the emergency room in Milwaukee. After 6 hours and numerous tests they found that Keyan was full of stool. They admitted and monitored him overnight. After passing much stool we were discharged, Keyan was feeling much better. We are very happy that stool was the only problem and that this situation was not more serious. Another day.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Keyan is TUBE-FREE!

We had our usual Tuesday appointment with Dr. Mitchell and he is really happy with Keyan's progress. We have stretched Keyan's bladder to about 250ml and have to catheterize every 3 hours. Dr. Mitchell removed Keyan's last remaining drain so now Keyan is officially tube-free! After the appointment we had a tube-free celebration! Keyan can now swim, ride his bike and do just about everything that he wants. We must be diligent about draining his urine every 2 1/2-3 hours so that we will not harm his new bladder. Keyan is doing a fantastic job at catheterizing but needs reminders on his timing. As always, thanks for every ones thoughts and prayers.
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